Generation FirstStrike soft bait out performs traditional wax blocks



Liphatech understood the need for a bait with increased palatability and answered it. The “soft bait Innovators” commenced the new rodenticide revolution in Australia and New Zealand in 2013: soft bait. Developed with mixtures of milled grain and vegetable oil and the most advanced active ingredient in the global market, “Difethialone”, the bait quickly outperformed all other baits in head-to-head testing. 

“From my experience working in both the pest control and the manufacturing side of the business I have now seen a significant change and preference towards soft bait when compared against traditional blocks.”  said Gavin Wilson Technical and Marketing Manager Australia | New Zealand Liphatech. 

Andy, a pest manager from Sydney, explained how he used Generation FirstStrike on a challenging job. ‘A new client which is involved in the food court business recently had issues with rodents entering the premises and damaging concealed services within the kitchen area costing the client up to a thousand dollars on plumbing repairs etc. 

When our company was awarded the work by this client I decided to top up stations with Generation FirstStrike Soft Baits as I’ve had success on previous jobs using the bait as it is a single feed rodenticide and had high acceptance of feeding from rodents with competing food sources around. 

“I returned to visit the customer a month later to inspect the stations to find most of the soft bait consumed and to the customer’s delight when showing them almost empty stations. “says Andy. “We then came up with an agreement to establish a routine monthly maintenance baiting program to achieve sufficient knockdown of the rodents and to identify and implement areas where rodent proofing is required.”

“I highly recommend Liphatech products to other pest managers that are looking for an effective alternative in rodent control”. says Andy.

“Due to Generation First Strike palatability and effectiveness pest managers are now using First Strike as their bait of choice for clean out and on-going maintenance programs on 

all types of assets in domestic, commercial, industrial, agriculture and mining.” said Gavin

Generation First Strike Soft Bait maintains its consistency in hot temperatures, and because it contains no wax, it’s highly acceptable to rodents even when there’s a competing food source. Some rodents have an aversion to wax and do not like the taste or smell. This ‘pure form’ of bait attracts rodents and keeps them coming back for more. When bait really needs to work, Generation First Strike soft bait with Liphatech own active ingredient Difethialone is the bait to choose. 

Liphatech are here to provide pest managers innovative rodent control products and the support to help grow your business. For more information on Liphatech innovative range of rodent control products contact your local pest control distributor or Gavin Wilson 0488 505 090.

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