Member Benefits

Membership of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association offers your business a competitive advantage in the pest management industry and gives consumers confidence that your company is backed by a credible and professional body.

What will AEPMA do for you?

  • Refer commercial bodies and consumers who are seeking a pest manager to members via our website and national office.
  • Provide advice on technical and business issues, relevant to our industry.
  • Provide up to date information on the latest developments, products and technologies in the industry, including the opportunity to attend conferences and trade days.
  • Develop training packages and learning facilities to address changes in legislation.
  • Lobby and negotiate with government bodies on changes to regulations that may affect the efficient operation of pest managers and their business.
  • Promote Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in order to raise and maintain the standard and skill of pest managers in Australia, for the benefit of the industry and those who work within it.
  • Mediate for you should a disagreement occur with a client.
  • Provide industrial relations services to members, through an arrangement with First IR.
  • Continue to develop Codes of Practice where no workable standards exist.
  • Grant use of the AEPMA logo in your advertisements and on your website and stationery.
  • Substantial discounts on vehicles, equipment,  insurance, travel and more.

We exist to deliver member value, influence and profile; quality and performance standards; and an engaged and vibrant association. We are constantly working to develop, improve and promote the professional pest management industry.

To join today, you can register online directly or contact us on 1300 307 114 or

Click here to download the AEPMA 2025 Membership Guide.