Qualified Field Biologists

The ‘Field Biologist’ is referenced in most of the industry based, proprietary and global Food Safety Standards, as the subject matter expert or designated expert who develops, advises on and evaluates, Integrated Pest Management Programs and who is really the interface between the Pest Manager, the Food Business & Auditors for the purpose of providing common ground supporting the delivery of safe, effective and appropriate pest management processes and procedures via compliance with relevant food safety standards, legislation, accreditation and industry best practice requirements.

Name Email  
Gary Stephenson gary.pestconsult@bigpond.com NSW
Vasili Tsoutouras vasili@allstatepest.com.au SA
David Gay davidg@pest-control.com.au VIC
Mark Wagner mjwagner@pestlearn.com SA
Troy Dawson Troy@dawsonspest.com.au VIC
Kevin Girard kevingirard@bigpond.com NSW
Juliana Elliott juliana@haccp.com.au  
Chris Farley Chris.Farley@flick.com.au QLD
Candace Cantanzaro Candice.Catanzaro@flick-anticimex.com.au NSW
Stephen Carrier stephen.carrier@flick.com.au NSW
Charles Piper Charles.Piper@flick-anticimex.com.au NSW
Bradley Ryan Bradley.Ryan@flick.com.au NSW
Warren Bruce Warren.Bruce@flick-anticimex.com.au NSW
Nathan Jaffrey nathan.jaffrey@flick.com.au QLD
John Graham jgraham@termihc.com.au  
Patrick Legey patrick@austrapest.com.au  
Richard Mulcaire richardmulcaire@gmail.com  
Rik Trotter rik.trotter@pink.com.au NSW
Steve Mason steve.mason@flick.com.au  
Darren Emmett Darren.emmett@flick.com.au  
Paul Forti paul.forti@flick.com.au  
Malcolm Trotter mal.trotter@pink.com.au QLD