Managing termites post-construction - a new AS 3660_2


Nobody really looks forward to a new Standard. This one is potentially more disruptive than most. We've had the meeting to work through the public comments. Thanks to the many AEPMA people who sent in comments. It is such a shame that these inputs weren't made through the two AEPMA representatives on the Committee during the actual drafting process. I would remind all those who took the time to comment to also help with AEPMA's Codes of Practice.

In the original 2000 version of AS 3660.2, literally every provision was just a guideline that you could choose to follow if it suited. That isn't allowed any more so in the updated Standard, if you want to be in compliance, there are things that you now 'shall' do. These are generally common tasks and the things that everyone agreed were necessary, like inspect, follow up and explain things to your client. It is still a very flexible Standard. 

AS 3660.2 is aimed to follow up on what's done for new construction while also covering existing structure of all types and ages. As if that's not enough, it also has to provide scope for any new termite-management approach that may come along (and has passed the assessment set out in AS 3660.3-2014). So for example, if you did somehow manage to produce an electronic-repeller that actually worked under AS 3660.3 testing (good luck with that), then the provisions of AS 3660.2 would be broad enough to cover its use.

Standards are of course, the basic minimum required, they don't detail particular systems or approaches, are not really a recipe book (more a guide) and your professional work should always be aimed a bit higher. That's where AEPMA's codes of practice can help you to define a suitably professional approach. It is too early to give specific details as the Committee has not yet signed off on the final, post public comment, document but it is likely that your insurer will be in touch reminding you of the steps required for general compliance an, once the version for publication is bedded down, we can go into more detail of the changes. 

It is hoped that, just like the Building Codes, the building Standards will be made free for download once the publishing contract with SAI Global has expired, hopefully in late 2018. We may be asking you all to write in to support the change. In the mean time, relax, launching the revised AS 3660.2 should not create any serious waves.

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