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Welcome to the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association March 2023 edition. Please read on below for more details below or visit our website for online version |
AEPMA eNewsletter March 2023

As we celebrate women's achievements and the progress made towards gender equality, it's important to recognize the many industries where women are breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations.
One industry where women are making significant strides is pest control.
Pest control is a traditionally male-dominated industry, but women are increasingly entering and excelling in this field. They are bringing new perspectives, skills, and approaches to pest control, helping to improve the industry as a whole.
As we celebrate International Women's Day, let's take a moment to recognize the achievements of women in pest control and all industries. Let's also continue to support and encourage women as they pursue their passions and strive for success in their chosen fields.
Together, we can create a world where women are celebrated and empowered to pursue their dreams and achieve their full potential.
It is the start of a new membership year, and I would like to remind you of the many benefits that come with your membership to the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA). For those of you who have been a part of our community, thank you for your continued support. For those who are not yet members, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us and list the benefits of being a part of our association below:
As a member of AEPMA, you have access to a wealth of resources and support to help you navigate the pest management industry.
Below are just a few of the benefits of being an AEPMA member:
- Networking opportunities: AEPMA provides a platform for pest management professionals to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge. Pesticon 2023 offers a unique opportunity to meet other industry experts and learn about the latest trends and techniques.
- Industry recognition: Being an AEPMA member demonstrates your commitment to professionalism and best practice in pest management. You can use the AEPMA logo on your website and marketing materials to show that you are part of a reputable and respected organization.
- Advocacy and representation: AEPMA represents the interests of pest management professionals at a national level. We work closely with government agencies and other industry bodies to ensure that our members are represented, and their voices are heard.
- Information and resources: As an AEPMA member, you have access to a range of resources to help you stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the pest management industry.
These are just a few of the many benefits of being an AEPMA member. If you haven't already renewed your membership for the coming year, we encourage you to do so now to ensure that you continue to receive all of these valuable benefits.
Thank you for your ongoing support of AEPMA. We look forward to working with you in the coming year. Your support helps us to provide the resources and services that our members rely on.

Vasili Tsoutouras
VALE Gordon Dawson
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Gordon Dawson, (Gordon Gordon) on the 23rd February 2023. Gordon was a stalwart in the Australian Pest Control Industry and a beloved mentor to many in the industry. He passed away peacefully in Hervey Bay, Queensland, where he had resided for some time.
Born in Melbourne, Victoria, Gordon was a well-known and highly respected figure in the pest control scene for many years. His dedication to the industry and his tireless work ethic earned him a reputation as one of the most reliable and knowledgeable professionals in the field. He was always willing to lend a hand and offer advice to his colleagues, and his kindness and generosity made him a cherished mentor to many.
Gordon's passing is a great loss to the pest control industry and to all who knew him. His contributions to the field will not be forgotten, and his legacy will live on in the countless professionals he trained and mentored throughout his career.
Gordon's funeral was held on the 3rd March in Hervey Bay, Queensland. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends during this difficult time. Gordon will be deeply missed but never forgotten.
The Pest Manager of the Year 2023 Nominations are now open
AEPMA and BASF are proud and excited to announce that the PMOY Awards are running again for 14th consecutive year!
This continuous commitment is tribute to the professionalism we are witnessing in the pest control industry and what a great way to recognise the effort and dedication of the many businesses that are helping this industry to grow every day.
From now until the 31st May you will be able to choose to nominate for one of the Awards categories of the Pest Manager of the Year 2023.
BUSINESS AWARD (Two Classes)**
- Pest Management firms employing 10 or more people
- Pest Management firms employing fewer than 10 people
**The National Pest Manager of the Year will be awarded from nominees in these two categories.
MICRO BUSINESS - Pest management businesses with fewer than 3 employees.
SOUTH PACIFIC PEST MANAGER OF THE YEAR - Open to AEPMA member businesses both large and small operating in the South Pacific Region.
The top 3 companies from each category will be selected based on their written application and their website material and will progress to the judging stage of the competition.
Winners will be announced at the 2023 Pesticon Conference in August.
“BASF are proud to be supporting the Pest Manager of the Year awards since 2010” says David Elmouttie, BASF Business Manager for Professional & Specialty Solutions.
“We believe it’s extremely important to recognise and reward businesses that show outstanding commitment to pest control and go above and beyond to deliver quality services. Each year we receive an impressive range of entries and are excited to be involved in the process once again to discover the amazing contributions being made by pest control businesses that are helping our industry grow, evolve and thrive.”
Don’t wait or hesitate to be part of this exciting journey with us and celebrate the hard work your business and its employees are doing everyday
Nominate now by clicking here
Pesticon 2023 – Tickets now available
We’re excited to launch the official program for Pesticon 2023 – “What Customers Want”, being held from 16-18 August at The Star Gold Coast. Businesses that prioritise customer wants and needs can build strong customer relationships and gain a competitive advantage in their industry.
We are thrilled to announce Mark McCrindle as the keynote presenter, Mark is a social researcher and futurist internationally recognised as a leader in tracking emerging issues and researching social trends. He coined the term 'Generation Alpha'. Mark works with the big brands, large organisations and senior leaders to help them understand the external environment in which they operate, gain visibility on the sentiment and perceptions of their customers and community, and identify the emerging trends to assist them in future-proofing their products and service.
Following on from last year’s highly successful “Mental Health” workshop, on the Friday morning of the conference we will be holding a “Wellbeing” Session - the goal of this session is to provide attendees with practical information and inspiration for making positive changes in their own lives and in the world. Wellbeing is a multi-faceted concept that refers to an individual's overall sense of physical, emotional, and psychological health and satisfaction with life.
Other program highlights include;
- Termite Panel session, chaired by Scott Kleinschmidt - a practical session providing hands on answers to problems confronting every pest control business in the course of their operations.
- Interactive Marketing Workshop - A crucial step in any successful business strategy there are several ways to gain insights into your customer base, this interactive workshop will show you how to understand customer psychology, marketing messages, and customer experiences to meet the needs and preferences of their target customers.
We are once again bringing back our “Ask an Expert” - Our panel of experts involved are individuals in the pest control industry who have specialized knowledge, experience, and training. This session is a valuable resource for individuals who are trying to make informed decisions or find solutions to complex problems in their business.
…...and much more!!!
For more information and to view the full program visit the conference website.
Attractive early bird rates are now available. Full delegate packages starting at $500 for members and $525 for non-members with further savings for 2 or more delegates. Why not bring your partner to the Welcome Reception, Happy Hour Drinks & Gala Dinner with a special rate of $300 for all three!
Don’t delay, secure your place early - BOOK NOW & SAVE!!! It’s an event not to be missed!!
AEPMA Sustainability Award – Nominations Open
The aim of this award is to encourage and recognise professional pest managers who also are working towards creating more sustainable businesses, and most importantly, to let the general public see how we really can be environmental pest managers.
The award recipient will be recognised as the elite of our industry, earning a place amongst a distinguished group by having their achievements acknowledged and widely celebrated.
Further details regarding the Sustainability Award can be found here
Sponsored by Ensystex
AEPMA Membership Update
The renewal invoices have been sent to all members. If you have not received your renewal invoice please contact the AEPMA National office info@aepma.com.au
Go to www.aepma.com.au
Click on Industry Portal
Log in with your username and password (valid for current members)
Click on “Manage My Account”, then go to “Memberships”, click on “Renew/Upgrade” button
Fill in the online payment form
Your membership will automatically be updated
IMPORTANT – Check your profile details and amend if necessary.
Have you updated your postcodes on the AEPMA Website?
Did you know that as a member of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA), you have the opportunity to add up to 10 postcodes to your business profile on the AEPMA website? This can help you drive more business as a recognized association member.
By adding your postcodes, potential customers searching for pest control services in those areas will be able to find you more easily on the AEPMA website. This can help increase your exposure and ultimately lead to more business for your company.
This information will be visible on your profile page on the AEPMA website, making it easier for customers to find you.
Thinking of attending PestWorld 2023?
We are excited to announce a special offer kindly provided by NPMA to all current AEPMA members.
If you are planning to attend PestWorld 2023 you can attend this year's conference for just $350.00 USD - a significant saving off the regular registration fee.
To take advantage of this special offer, please contact the AEPMA National office via email info@aepma.com.au
AWPMA Networking Breakfast
AWPMA is very pleased to be working with AEPMA and FMC to host the AWPMA Networking Breakfast, this event is open to everyone. So come join us for a buffet breakfast on Thursday 17th August from 7am-9am, we will be celebrating the winners of the Administrator of the year award and the Trainee of the year award, proudly sponsored by FMC.
We will also have the lovely Von Barnes from Pinnacle Properties presenting a keynote presentation on her journey in the business world. Through hard work and determination Von has built her business Pinnacle Properties up to be a multimillion-dollar business. She and her team are highly focused on caring for their clients, they have a 99% referral base for their business and are always striving to provide a “Great experience, not good, great!”
Von has faced many challenges in her business journey and will be offering insight on how to achieve success, how to deal with a male dominated career and come out on top and empowering yourself and those around you. Shedescribes herself as “Female Entrepreneur – savvy, seasoned and successful”. This will be a Keynote Presentation not to be missed.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday 17th August
Time: 7am – 9am
Cost: $25 for AWPMA Members or $45 for Non-Members
Participants: Everyone Welcome
More Details: https://www.pinnacleproperties.com.au/about-pinnacle-properties/our-team/
AWPMA Awards
AWPMA is very pleased to be facilitating three awards at this year's Pesticon conference, they are:
- 2023 Excellence Award, proudly sponsored by BASF - The Excellence Award recognises women in the pest control industry that show outstanding leadership and make notable contributions to the development and growth of other women within the industry. Nominations for the Excellence Award will be opening in April, the award winner will be presented at the Gala Dinner held at the Pesticon Conference.
- 2023 Administrator of the year award, proudly sponsored by FMC - This award looks to recognise an outstanding office manager or administration assistant. We all know the office is the backbone of the business that keeps it all together. We want to honour an outstanding member of your office crew. Nominations for the Administrator of the year award will be opening in April, the award winner will be presented at the AWPMA Networking Breakfast.
- 2023 Trainee of the year award, proudly sponsored by FMC - Trainees are the future of our industry. We want to recognise a trainee that has gone above and beyond to engage in the pest control industry. We want to recognise a trainee that has strived for and achieved success, best practice, and innovation in training. Nominations for the Trainee of the year award will be opening in April, the award winner will be presented at the AWPMA Networking Breakfast.
For more details on these awards please visit our website or contact the AWPMA board at info@awpma.org.au
Complete all BASF training courses: Termidor HE, Trelona ATBS, Selontra Soft Bait and Seclira Insecticide to become a BASF Certified Pest Manager!

This initiative is a way of instilling an extra level of confidence for home owners, knowing that their pest controller is an expert in administering and installing the products that protect their homes.
We are excited that the introduction of this initiative aligns with the launch of our Learning and Resources Hub where training will be even easier and can be completed at any time. At this stage we are offering training for Trelona on this platform and will be adding the other courses shortly. To sign up for a Face-to-Face or Webinar training session, fill out the Product Training Registration Form.
We look forward to seeing you at one (or more!) of our training sessions or events!
Sundew Solutions Products Now Certified by HACCP
Sundew Solutions are pleased to announce that a number of key products are now certified by HACCP International and endorsed as suitable insecticides for use in food and beverage facilities.
The certification of these products was requested by pest management professionals and reseller partners across Australia.
“Sundew Solutions listens to its valued clients. Obtaining HACCP Certification on key products used in food and beverage facilities is another example of our commitment to the industry,” explained David Priddy, C.E.O. Sundew Solutions.
The following products have received HACCP certification in February 2023:
- AttractANT PRO® Ant Bait Gel
- ANTagonist®PRO 80 SC Polymer Enhanced Bifenthrin Professional Insecticide
- DeltaPRO 25 SC Professional Insecticide
- EnsnarePRO® 50 SC Indoxacarb Professional Insecticide
- Starrdust®PRO Insecticidal Dusting Powder Industrial Strength
The HACCP International certification of these Sundew products will provide greater versatility of application in food and beverage facilities and will be a welcome upgrade to pest management professionals across Australia.
Visit sundewsolutions.com.au to download a copy of the HACCP certificate or email info@sundewsolutions.com.au
Ants – Important to choose the right product for the job!
Ants are one of the most fascinating and diverse groups of insects found all over the world. They have evolved over millions of years and have adapted to various environmental conditions, making them one of the most successful groups of insects. In this editorial, we will discuss some of the most common ant species found in Australia.
Ants can be a nuisance for many homeowners. Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, there are as many as 1500 described species and sub-species in Australia, each with their own unique characteristics and behaviour, the majority being found in the warmer tropical regions of the country.
Argentine Ants. (Linepithema humile) are one of the most widespread and invasive ant species in the world. These ants are known for forming massive super colonies that can stretch for miles. They are particularly difficult to control, and their presence can have a negative impact on the native ant populations, leading to eco-system disruption. They have a food preference for sugary substances.
Black House Ant. (Ochetellus glaber) is approximately 2.5mm long, they are a smaller intensely black ant that is smaller than the white-footed house ant. They are often attracted to sugary substances and can become a nuisance if they infest homes and other buildings. Food preferences sugar.
Bulldog Ants. (Myrmecia spp.) are one of the largest ants found in Australia. They have a potent venom and can inflict painful stings if provoked. These ants are known for their ferocious behaviour and are considered a threat to humans and other animals. They prefer food that contains proteins.
Carpenter Ants. are large ants that are found in many parts of the world. They are known for their ability to tunnel through wood, which can lead to structural damage in homes and other buildings. These ants are considered a nuisance pest and can be difficult to control. Food preference sugary substance.
Coastal brown ants.(Pheidole megacephala) are approximately 1.5mm-2.5mm. Golden brown in colour. They are known for their behaviour of pushing up sand in paving that form circles, making the paving unstable that can cause a trip hazard, they prefer food that is mainly oil, fat, or protein.
Green Headed Ants. Rhytidoponera metallica these ants have a distinctive metallic appearance colourization ranging from green blue to a purple Sheen. they have a distinctive square shape. And are known for their aggressive behaviour. Food preference oil and protein.
Meat Ants. (Iridomyrmex purpureus) are 13-14mm long with large mandibles. known for their preference for meat. They can often be seen feeding on dead insects and other animals. Food preferences proteins and occasional sugar feeders.
Pharaoh Ants. (Monomorium pharaonic) are a common ant species found in many parts of the world. They are approximately 1.5- 2mm long. They are named for their association with ancient Egyptian tombs. These are the only ants where a bait only approach is strongly recommended.
White- footed house Ant . (Technomyrmex albipes) Is a small dull/ cloudy black ant approximately 3mm long that can infest homes and other buildings, that can be a nuisance. Primary food source is honeydew and occasional proteins feeders.
Preventing ants from entering a home in the first place is the best way to control ant infestations. This can be done by sealing up any cracks or gaps in doors, windows, and walls. It is also important to store all food in sealed containers, and to clean up any spills or food scraps immediately.
If an ant infestation is already present, there are several different methods of control that can be implemented. Ant baits and traps are a popular choice, as they can be placed in areas where ants are commonly seen that can effectively control the colony.
Insecticidal sprays and dusts can also be effective, although it is important to choose the right product for the type of ant that is present.
It is important to remember that some ant species, such as Bull Ants and Red Fire Ants, can pose a serious threat to human health and safety. If you are unsure about how to deal with the problem, seek help. In conclusion, with many different species found throughout the country it’s imperative you get a positive ID before implementing any control measures. Envu have a full range of products that can be utilised to control ants; these include Temprid®75, Cislin®25, Suspend® Flexx, Maxforce® Quantum and Antmaster.
The only exception being Pharaoh Ants. If liquid chemical is applied to control this species, these ants will use a budding mechanism often following a liquid treatment to split into 2 or more colonies to ensure one or more will survive. This is the only species that a bait-only approach is imperative.
Wendell Arnett - Envu
PestIT Offers Flock Off Training
Flock Off is the latest development from the innovators in Australian bird management PestIT. The System is a revolutionary, high-tech and humane solution to stop birds from landing on structures IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLY. Flock Off can help eliminate the costs, risks, health hazards and damage caused by birds, ONCE AND FOR ALL!
During March 2023 PestIT hosted Dave Rogers, the Chief Engineer of Flock Off USA for several technical and practical training sessions in both Sydney and Melbourne. These sessions and interviews were captured and will be available shortly in a training package and assessment towards becoming a certified installer. Video content will include an introduction to the electromagnetic field technology, product usage, system design, installation and sales.
If your business involves bird management, you wish to be included as an installer and receive the Flock Off Training package. To register your interest, please complete the form HERE.
Long-standing myth about snakes is finally busted after Australian scientists make an astonishing discovery
Australian researchers have buried an enduring myth once and for all, showing snakes are certainly not deaf and can even hear airborne sounds.
And it might mean talking aloud could help ward them off.
'Because snakes don't have external ears, people typically think they're deaf and can only feel vibrations through the ground and into their bodies,' said Dr Christina Zdenek from the University of Queensland.
Read more here
How Australia rescued an island plagued by more than 200,000 rats |
Animals pushed to the brink of extinction by rats have been brought back to life on Lord Howe Island, with some bird populations doubling in number within 12 months of the extermination of the last of the invasive pests.
The island was once plagued by thousands of rodents, which called the World Heritage-listed location home since about 1918. At one stage, it was estimated there were more than 210,000 rats running amok on the island. House mice are thought to have come to the island as early as 1860 and added to the ecological difficulties.
Read more here
Important Dates |
- AEPMA QLD Branch Meeting 4th May @ 9am (Microsoft Teams)
- AEPMA Board Meeting 5th April 2023
- Pesticon 2023 - 16th - 18th August @ Star Gold Coast
- Pesticon 2024 - 14th - 16th August @ Star Gold Coast
- FAOPMA Pest Summit 12th - 14th September 2023
- PestWorld - 17th - 20th October 2023
Newsletter contributions/comments |
AEPMA welcomes any contributions or suggestions for articles that you feel are relevant to the industry. Simply forward to info@aepma.com.au.
Or do you have something to say about an article you’ve read in the Newsletter? Why not leave your feedback on our Facebook page.
You are receiving AEPMA e-newsletters. If you are not interested in receiving further e-newsletters from AEPMA, please click here to unsubscribe. The statements or opinions that are expressed in this eNewsletter reflect the views of the authors. Although all accepted advertising material is expected to conform to AEPMA’s editorial guidelines such acceptance does not imply endorsement by AEPMA. All material contained in the eNewsletter is protected by copyright and must not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or photocopied without written permission of AEPMA. |