Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association Limited |
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Welcome to the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association December 2022 / January 2023 edition. Please read on below for more details below or visit our website for online version |
AEPMA eNewsletter December/January edition
Welcome to the final edition of the AEPMA eNewletter for 2022.
On behalf of my family to yours I wish you all a very happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.
Pesticon 2023 "What Customers Want" will be held at the Star Gold Coast from the 16th – 18th August. Already it is shaping up to be bigger and better then Pesticon 2022, which I am sure, for those who attended was an excellent event.
Keynote speakers and sponsors have already been locked in and I can promise you that this will be an event not to be missed!
I am also pleased to announce that the conference will also be awarding the first “Sustainability Award” for our industry and I would like to thank Ensystex for their sponsorship.
The AWPMA will continue their involvement with Pesticon 2023 which will include a breakfast, speakers and the announcement of their awards at the Pesticon Gala Dinner.
Work continues on the new “Careers in Pest Control Website” To help promote our great industry that provides fullfilling jobs, we want as many people from as many parts of Australia to record videos of themselves or our colleagues talking about why we all like working in the pest control industry.
These videos will be edited and used on the careers page and Facebook support page.
We are looking forward to seeing some amazing content come through.
Once again, if you have any contributions please feel free to send them in. I have made a short video to give you an idea of the content we need.
Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support this year and thank you for the privilege of continuing to lead our industry in 2023. On behalf of the AEPMA Executive Committee I wish you a very happy Christmas and New Year.
Kind Regards

Vasili Tsoutouras
VALE Darrin Pierce
We are saddened to hear Darrin Pierce from Berwick pest control tragically passed away on 26th November, 2022.
Our thoughts and best wishes are with his family.
Sustainability Award – Sponsored by Ensystex
We have one planet and one Australia. Almost every action we make on a day-to-day basis affects Australia’s future, and that of the world we live in.
AEPMA’s vision for the Australian pest management sector is for an industry that is clean, healthy, and sustainable. AEPMA’s objective is to encourage the protection and enhancement of the quality of the Australia’sn natural and urban environments, maintaining a in balance with economic and social values, and the needs of future generations.
To encourage these visions, AEPMA is pleased to announce the ‘AEPMA Sustainability Award’, which is proudly sponsored by Ensystex Australia.
The AEPMA Sustainability Award recognises organisations that have successfully implemented initiatives that demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable business practices, and positive community engagement.
The Award acknowledges businesses who have developed and implemented cleaner initiatives that have delivered measurable improvements in preventing pollution, conserving energy and water, minimising waste, and maximising resource efficiency.
The AEPMA Sustainability Award will celebrate the pest management industryies’s transition to a circular, net-zero and climate-resilient economy.
Submissions should be for a project or initiative that results in measurable improvements in any or all of the following areas: energy efficiency, water conservation, resource efficiency, waste minimisation, and that results in positive benefits to the pest management sector or has flow-on benefits to the wider community.
The award recipient will be recognised as the elite of their our industry, earning a place amongst a distinguished group by having their achievements acknowledged and widely celebrated.
Ensystex’s vision is to be the 'first choice for environmentally responsible, effective, long-term pest management solutions'.
The AEPMA Sustainability Award is in harmony with Ensystex’s long-term vision.
In announcing Ensystex’s sponsorship of the AEPMA Sustainability Award, Regional Director, Steve Broadbent commented,
“We are both pleased and proud to display our commitment to AEPMA and particularly this Award, which I believe is the most important award of all.
“We are all only too well aware of the threats to our planet from climate change, waste, energy shortages, and more. Whilst we can’t fix everything, every little thing we can do to improve the situation will have benefits for all. Like the grains of sand on a sandy beach, it all adds up. Now is our last chance to create a better future for our children.
“At Ensystex, we are committed to making these small gains and have already made many improvements to our eco-footprint, including the increasing use of recycled materials, more energy efficient products, developing more natural products, and our continued financial support for Australian Wildlife Conservancy (
“With AEPMA, we want to encourage and recognise professional pest managers who also are working towards creating more sustainable businesses, and most importantly, to let the general public see how we really can be environmental pest managers.
“This Award looks at all aspects of running a more sustainable business. This is a holistic approach that also encompasses corporate social responsibility, considering how we source our supplies, how we interact with and support our communities, and how we care for our employees.
“We are pleased to see Dr Stephen Doggett, who has been championing these issues for several years, become a part of the AEPMA Sustainability Awards team. This is the first year, and we know we have much to learn in this sphere. We are sure the criteria, quality, and importance of this Award will grow and mature over the next few years.
“We look forward to seeing the leadership in this area that we know many companies already display, being recognised through this Sustainability Award.”
Nominations for the Sustainability Award will open in early 2023 and the award winner will be announced at the Pesticon 2023 Welcome Reception.
Welcome to Pesticon 2023 – “What Customers Want”
AEPMA is thrilled to once again host its Annual Conference – Pesticon, which will take place on the 16- 18 August 2023 at the Star Gold Coast.
The theme of our 2023 conference is “What Customers Want”
This will be an unequalled opportunity to understand the pest management business and customer expectations, defining the types of customer needs to look for, unpacking the common barriers that prevent companies from fulfilling their customers' needs, and solutions to start improving customer service.
Pesticon 2022, was a huge success and Pesticon 2023 is shaping up to be one of the must-see events in 2023. This exciting event is filled with education and knowledge, practical tips and advice, and will be once again held at The Star Gold Coast.
The Exhibition Hall will again be a hub of activity at the conference. Key manufacturers and suppliers will be showcasing the latest products and services for all aspects of your business, launching new products, explaining current techniques and demonstrating solutions that will benefit small, medium and large pest management companies.
Along with our special social events - including the Welcome Reception, Happy Hour Drinks, Gala Dinner, Women’s Networking Breakfast and much more, Pesticon 2023 is an ideal learning and networking opportunity.
Whether your business is large or small, Pesticon 2023 will give your business a winning edge. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover new ways to deliver your services to the public.
Keep an eye on the AEPMA website for further information on the conference – REGISTRATIONS WILL OPEN IN EARLY 2023!!!
We look forward to seeing you all on the Gold Coast in 2023!
Thank you to our major sponsors
- Agserv
- Ensystex
- Envu
- Rapid Solutions
- Sentricon
- Sundew Solutions
- Syngenta
AEPMA National Office - Christmas Holiday Closing Dates

Although our office will be closed we will still be taking calls and monitoring our emails.
Please contact Stephen Ware (AEPMA Executive Director) 0418 976 643
AEPMA Branch Update
The last Qld Branch general meeting for the year was held on the 1st December 2022. Jim Edwards of Queensland Health attended part of the meeting to provide an update on online licencing and inspections/audits relating to aspects of the new Qld pest management regulations.
The minutes from this meeting are available here
Online processing of new licences and renewals is improving although there are still delays in endorsements now required under the regulations including for servicing high risk and sensitive sites.
AEPMA will continue to work with Queensland Health to improve communication, interpretation of the regulations and consistency of requirements for compliance. Other areas of industry representation were subsequently discussed at the meeting including ongoing contact with the Qld Department of Agriculture & Forestry in relation to control of Red Imported Fire Ant and West Indian Drywood Termites.
The Qld Branch Christmas party was held on the 8th of December at Gino’s Restaurant in Hamilton and was enjoyed by all who attended. The next General Meeting of the Qld Branch will be held on Teams on February 16th 2023 at 0900.
“To our AEPMA QLD committee, and the AEPMA National Office; I would like to thank you for your assistance and dedication to branch activities during 2022 and I look forward to working with you all next year. Merry Christmas to you and your families.
On behalf of the AEPMA Queensland Branch committee I would also like to wish all our members, your families, and the wider pest management community a Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays and a safe holiday period. We look forward to supporting you all again in 2023.
If you would like to get involved in AEPMA activities please let me know, we’d love to have you as part of our team.
You can contact me on M: 0407 253 911 or E:”
John Murray
AEPMA QLD Branch Chairman and National Board Director
AEPMA NSW Branch Update
An AEPMA NSW ACT State Council meeting was held on Zoom on Monday 28 November 2022.
The meeting was well attended with 7 delegates and 5 apologies.
Chairperson Kylee Enwright welcomed all in attendance. It was agreed that Kylee Enwright would write the minutes and Patrick Legey the editorial to be passed to National office for inclusion in the December newsletter.
After accepting the minutes of the previous meeting, we moved onto other matters of business which included the Urban Pest Management Training Package which included the introduction of Industry Clusters (due early January 2023), PMITAG, Pre- Purchase Combined Building and Timber Pest Inspections in NSW, Field Biologist Course, Codes of Best Practice and Training to the Codes, 2023 AEPMA National Conference, NSW EPA Licencing of the PMT and PMTT and a lot more.
NSW Urban Pest Management Licencing
Following the last AEPMA State Council meeting on 26 September we wrote a letter to EPA NSW to get some clarifications on various licencing issues facing the Pest Management industry in NSW. We have received a response to our queries from the Director, Environmental Solutions (Chemicals, Land and Radiation) Regulatory Practice and Environmental Solutions NSW EPA on 28 November. In bold are our queries and below their reply.
Request for additional information regarding the requirements for PMT and TPMT trainees
The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) welcomes the opportunity to work with AEPMA to ensure that the requirements for PMT/TPMT trainees and their supervisors are clear. We appreciate your feedback on information that we could add to our ‘training permit’ webpage here.
Trainees and supervisors can also call us on 131 555, email or submit an online form here to clarify their regulatory obligations.
Read more here
PMITAG NSW Summary reports to AEPMA NSW Council - Dr Chris Orton
The Summary of PMITAG NSW meeting 14/09/22 is available here
The Summary of PMITAG NSW meeting 09/11/22 is available here
If you would like to be added to the PMITAG NSW Circulation List to receive PMITAG circulated documents please email your request to Dr Chris Orton at
Unqualified and inexperienced inspectors conducting Pre-Purchase Timber Pest Inspections in NSW.
The AEPMA National Director for NSW, Gary Stephenson, along with some other pest managers, representatives of the insurance industry and consumers are making submissions to the NSW Government to legislate regulation for the Pre-Purchase Timber Pest Inspection sector.
A very brief overview of the issue follows.
At present in NSW we have an enormous pest and building inspection industry with effectively no underpinning legislation, no regulation, no enforcement of reasonable practice and no recourse when the inspections have been found to be at fault.
To make matters worse, currently anyone can carry out building inspections with no training or qualifications required. Also, although a Timber Pest license (involving units 8 and 10 of Cert III of the National Competency Standards for Urban Pest Management) is required to carry out timber pest control (treatment programs), because no chemicals are involved, no pest control license is required to carry out timber pest inspections. Unsurprisingly, the number of seriously faulty inspections is growing alarmingly.
Read more here
Ensystex Rodent Stations to be produced using recycled plastic
Ensystex have announced that, as part of an overall plan to improve all aspects of rodent control and its impact on the environment and wildlife, their Rodenthor Rodent Stations will be produced using 100% recycled plastic.
Regional Director, Steve Broadbent, commented, “Exterra Stations have for some time now been sourced from 100% recycled plastic and use only PEFC sustainably grown timbers for interceptors and bait production.
With our Rodenthor Stations, several technical issues had to be overcome to ensure we maintained the highest quality and longevity of the Stations. Recycled plastics traditionally are not so robust, and it was important that we maintained the longevity of the Stations and their security when locked. With these technical challenges overcome, a new facility has been installed at our production plant, which is dedicated to the production of premium, recycled plastic, allowing us to move to using recycled plastic only.
Whilst the enormous number of Rodent Stations we sell makes this an important contribution to more sustainable rodent control, we have several other important initiatives in the pipeline for rodent control, including a new active constituent, together with some new concepts for rodent management; which will all further complement our recently launched Rodenthor Digital - Powered by GreenTrap Online. Rodenthor Digital creates a more sustainable footprint by providing 24x 7 monitoring of your rodent sites. This allows professional pest managers to get an early warning of pest activity and provide quick treatment to avoid risks of infestation, whilst reducing fuel, bait, and labour costs.
The Rodenthor Digital Sensors can detect motion and/or vibrations allowing their use with traps, or without traps, e.g., in run-through Stations or Stations that hold bait, whether it be a toxic bait or a monitor bait. They can be placed both indoors and outside, around any facility. Few other systems offer this flexibility in a proven package, that has been in the European market since 2005.
Rodenthor Digital is a wireless solution built on LoRa communication from Sensors that connect to a 4G Gateway, that connects the system to the internet. The Gateway can run any number of Sensors. LoRa transmission means low energy consumption, which is reflected in the Sensor batteries lasting for 7-years, after which they are replaceable, ensuring longevity of use. Microsoft Azure software ensures data security and professional pest managers can install sites so no third party will have any knowledge of their site details or location.
“Ensystex are holding a Zoom Webinar on Rodenthor Digital at 6-00 pm Sydney time on Wednesday the 21st of December. To secure your spot, simply register in advance here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We look forward to seeing you there.”
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BASF introduces ground-breaking pest control
As all good pest controllers know, the key to pest control is getting to the root of the problem and killing off the colony, not just the insects. That’s why BASF has pioneered a range of new chemistries for general pest control. Unlike synthetic pyrethroids, BASF pest products are designed to attack the problem – the colony – rather than simply killing insects.
‘The insecticide solutions of BASF over a number of years have set the benchmark in the industry for product quality and performance,’ notes BASF Technical and Development Manager Mark Wilson. As a result, BASF insecticides have become trusted household names.
The BASF range of highly effective non-repellent brands include the Termidor® range (covering insecticide and termiticide), the Seclira® range (insecticides, fly bait and cockroach bait) and Goliath® Gel (cockroach bait).
‘BASF non-repellent insecticide provides the professional pest manager with a powerful range of formulations that can control pest populations as a long-term solution using the Genuine Transfer EffectTM of this technology,’ explains Wilson.
This Genuine Transfer Effect™ ensures that the insecticide is undetectable. Upon contact, the unique non-repellent technology of the product takes effect, and insects return to their nest to pass on the insecticide to other individuals in the colony. Ants, cockroaches and other social insects that come into contact will remain unaffected and unaware long enough to pass a lethal dose of the insecticide on to other insects in the colony and start a chain reaction.
This leads to a high level of success – with colony mortality and long-lasting total population control. In contrast, synthetic pyrethroids don’t have this transfer effect capacity.
The added benefit of the BASF pest technology is that pest managers are able to be more targeted with their insecticide treatments, by only applying insecticides where needed, rather than a total blanket coverage approach. This saves both time and cost by allowing you to use less product while still getting the job done effectively.
Get to the root of the problem, with BASF pest control products. For more information on BASF pest technology, visit
Termidor, Termites and Flooding
As a consequence of the extreme weather conditions and recent flooding events that have hit Australia's east coast, many homeowners may be concerned about the efficacy of their past termite treatment.
To help address these concerns and answer questions they may have regarding the recent floods and their termite treatment, we've developed a simple Q&A sheet.
Click here to download the Termidor®, termites and flooding Q&A sheet
Efficacy of Termidor® after heavy rain:
- The key to the suitability of any termiticide in a wet environment is the propensity to leach through a soil profile upon a wetting event. The main measure for ability to leach is the product’s water solubility. Termidor has very low water solubility and therefore will not leach through the soil. Termidor tightly binds to organic matter in soil, which also limits its movement.
- These physical and chemical characteristics contribute to Termidor remaining active in the treated zones close to the foundations of the structure for as long as the soil and foundations have not been compromised or the normal time span for degradation has elapsed. This includes soils that have been located in flooded areas.
For more information, please contact BASF's Technical and Development Manager, Mark Wilson on 0408 826 845 or visit for more information.
Rapid Training has a special offer for pest controllers and business owners looking to train or upskill this Summer.
Enroll in December or January and you’ll save $200 on Certificate III in Urban Pest Management AND save 15% on selected accredited courses.
We put this special offer together based on feedback that the rising costs of living and tight recruitment market were making it more expensive to invest in training and employment.
We know every dollar counts, and this is one small way we can show our support for the industry.
To learn more, and to enroll using our promo codes, head to our website or call us on 1300 309 169.
Corteva Agriscience Australia Limited wishes to advise of changes to the current CodeMark Certificate of Conformity for Sentricon AlwaysActive.
Taking effect 1st November 2022, please note the addition of the following to the scope of use and limitations.
To be used as a peripheral termite barrier in conjunction with a concrete slab, the slab must be designed and constructed in accordance with AS 2870: 2011 or AS 3660: 2018 (including amendment 1.} All joints and penetrations shall comply with Clause 4.3.2 of AS 3660.1 2014 or have a termite management system installed in accordance with Sections 5, 6, 7. All slab edges shall be compliance with clause 4.4 of AS 3660.1: 2014.
The Sentricon website has been updated with the new certificate.
The Next Wave of Floods and the impact on mosquito population
Ken Ferguson, Territory Business Development Manager (QLD/NT/NZ) at Envu, discusses the next wave of floods and the impact on mosquito populations.
It seems that it has been a very long time since Australia declared a national emergency on March 9, 2022, due to a series of floods from torrential rain in the eastern region of the country that began in late February. Yet rains continue to fall impacting South East Queensland, Wide Bay–Burnett and currently more severely in New South Wales.
Conditions are rife for the perfect storm, the rain around the east coast of Australia is spurring mosquito breeding activity and it's that time of year again, mosquitoes are breeding and are also out for a feed.
Below are 5 of the current mosquito-borne diseases that Australia is currently experiencing:
1. Ross River Fever
2. Barmah Forest Infection
3. Murray Valley Encephalitis
4. Dengue Fever
5. Japanese Encephalitis
These diseases have not only had an impact on the human population with a varying range of severity and symptoms. They have also had an impact on livestock with substantial ramifications.
Did you know that owner/occupiers are responsible for breeding sites around their home and could be fined under the Mosquito Act if they do not comply with a Public Health Order.
Aedes aegypti (the Dengue mosquito) is found in North Queensland -- it does not breed in waterways – it is a container-breeding mosquito which thrives in breeding sites around the home, i.e. it likes to live in close proximity to humans. All mosquitoes however, found around the home, will have very much the same protocol when devising a plan for management.
Mosquitoes are known for living inside, under furniture in dark places. Your mosquito treatment should include sites under sofas, in and around crevices, behind curtains, inside cupboards, also under the house, where mosquitoes could be lurking in wait for a blood meal.
Effective mosquito management will require an approach which includes ensuring your customers understand their responsibilities, ensuring any stagnant water is eliminated, palm fronds, tarpaulins, tree foliage, plant pots, bromeliad plants, old tyres, boats, kids toys, puddles, roof guttering, rain water tanks are all potential breeding sites.
Communication is essential when managing the expectations of your customers. You will not be able to effectively manage mosquitoes without eliminating their breeding sites. A thorough inspection of all areas surrounding the property is essential and advice for mechanical prevention, such as rainwater tank screens, cleaning of blocked gutters, keeping lawns mowed short, ponding water etc. is required.
It can be extremely difficult to manage a house which is in close proximity to the neighbours who might not have a mosquito management program in place. It is good practice to ensure you ask your customers to discuss any issues with their neighbours, as this could not only be an opportunity for you to gain new clients, but also giving the correct advice is essential.
A mosquito management program will more than likely involve regular visits, depending on the environment, amount of customer interaction with the program, weather conditions etc. You will need to build this into the cost of the program.
Envu will continue to be very involved in mosquito management, developing innovative tools for Best Practice.
Vector borne diseases pose a threat to over half the world’s population. Envu will continue the fight against those diseases driven by the belief of “integrated solutions for a healthier environment”.
• In Australia, Envu’s vector-control space spray is Aqua® K-Othrine®. Space spraying is routinely carried out in many areas of the world as a crucial means to reduce the incidence of vector-borne diseases. Aqua K-Othrine contains synthetic pyrethroid (2% deltamethrin) in a unique EW formulation. It is primarily water-based with built-in FFAST (Film forming aqueous spray technology). It has a low environmental impact and a high level of safety in use. Very effective on mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, spiders and stored product pests.
- Current and ongoing research & development in areas such as digitalization, application, monitoring and hardware.
- Innovation is key when it comes to solutions, which is why we think not only outside the square, but outside the bottle.
As a Global environmental science company, we have the size, diversity, and expertise from having more than 60 years of experience in vector control in which we have gained an in-depth understanding of the issues we need to overcome and we continue to do so, on a global and regional level.
Products are not enough. To improve people’s lives through science, we have to share our knowledge with those who need it most. We are dedicated to educating and training local people to help them protect their communities.
Envu’s Amplify Pest website for the professional pest control industry
Envu’s Mosquito Control Strategy Webinar
These training packages are all examples of thinking outside the bottle and helping to educate end-users and the community.
For further information:
Ken Ferguson
(m) 0457862223
Sundew Solutions is pleased to announce that Adam Wilton has joined the team taking up the role of Sales Executive Pest Management Professional - VIC, SA, WA and TAS.
Adam completed a Bachelor’s Degree after graduating high school and spent two years in the finance industry.
He then moved into the pest industry where he worked as a pest technician for over 10 years. Adam has owned and operated a pest control business for the last 7 years in Victoria.
“Adam brings excellent experience gained in the field and is a kind, positive individual with great communication skills,” said David Priddy, C.E.O. Sundew, “he loves helping others and looks forward to providing a high standard of service to our customers.”
Adam’s extensive wealth of business and in-field knowledge puts him in an ideal position to work with our valued customers.
Please make Adam welcome when he connects with you over the coming months.
Adam can be contacted on 0436 119 601 or email
VESPEX – A NEW Income Stream for Pest Professionals
As summer heats up, so will the presence of the invasive European wasp (vespula germanica). Now is the perfect time to enroll to become a Sundew VESPEX Accredited Specialist and earn an exciting new income stream remote baiting European wasp nests.
“Since the launch of Australia’s very first APVMA approved VESPEX European Wasp Treatment Solution in March 2020, many communities across Australia have breathed a sigh of relief. This has drawn attention to the work being done by VESPEX Accredited Specialists,” said Rowan Gregson, Technical Solutions Advisor at Sundew Solutions.
“Around Australia, Councils and Government departments are starting to request the use of VESPEX by pest controllers as they realise the potential for long term eradication when following a proper programme. The Sundew VESPEX European Wasp Accreditation ensures that users are educated and know the ins and outs of the product from day one,” explained Rowan.
With summer heating up, and European wasp queens already being reported active in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales, now is the time to sign up to become a VESPEX Accredited Specialist.
Read more here
FAOPMA Pest Summit 2022 |
The 2022 FAOPMA Pest Summit was held in Kyoto Japan on the 6th - 8th November. The event was a huge success and was a great opportunity for industry to come together.
This year was the first year FAOPMA presented two awards at Pest Summit.
- 2022 Pest Manager of the Year (sponsored by BASF)
- FAOPMA Leader Award 2022 - given to a worthy recipient to recognise their historical contribution to the industry within the FAOPMA region. (sponsored by ENVU)
Congratulations to Rentokil Malasyia winners of the FAOPMA/BASF Pest Manager of the Year Award 2022
The winner of the 2022 FAOPMA Leader Award was Viren Merchant.
Viren is an entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience in the professional pest management & property hygiene industry. He is the founding director & COO of Pest Control Associates (AMB) Pvt. Ltd.& founding principal of Confiance Solutions - professional hygiene solutions company.
A Chemistry graduate from prestigious Mumbai University, India, Viren garnered further knowledge in IPM from globally reputed institutions Purdue University, USA, Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), National Institute of Plant Health Management, Government of India (NIPHM), AIB International.
The judging panel noted that "Viren constantly shows great leadership in the industry and is one of the most committed people in the international community to help the progress of our industry"
Some photos of the event are available here (Photo Credit - Stephen Doggett)
First IR Update |
The Fair Work Act amendments received royal assent on 8th December so now are law. The changes are not just about the headline-grabbing multi-employer bargaining.
True, this is a serious development. If logically followed, it is capable of taking the ‘enterprise’ and the ‘agreement’ out of “enterprise agreement”. Those arguing the proposals are the antithesis of an enterprise focus based on mutually agreed terms between the directly affected parties, have a very valid point.
However there are other changes, something of a mixed bag in terms of topics covered and what’s involved. Below is a brief outline of the main issues likely to affect the general workforce and hence most employers in some way.
Equal remuneration - predominantly about FWC making orders if work has been undervalued because of assumptions based on gender
Pay secrecy - prohibits contracts including requirement on employees not to discuss their salary/conditions with other employees
Sexual harassment - vicarious liability for unlawful acts of employees except where the employer proves that all reasonable steps to prevent the employee from contravening the law were taken. This effectively means employers have to be able to demonstrate that an ‘offender’ flew in the face of robust policies and defied clear requirements to act in accordance with those policies; includes enhanced FWC powers to intervene
Read more here
Invasion of extra-large spiders |
Queenslanders are being told to prepare for an invasion of extra-large spiders as high temperatures and humidity create the perfect conditions for a creep-crawly “growth spurt”.
Arachnologist at the Queensland Museum, Dr Jeremy Wilson said more spiders, especially huntsmans, will be larger and more common this summer due to ideal weather conditions in the last two years.
“Huntsman spiders don’t live very long, they live for one or two years, and they tend to mature around this time of year,” Dr Wilson said.
“Having lots of adult huntsmans out at the moment reflects on a good breeding season, that means the last year or two has provided the perfect weather conditions for breeding and prey abundance.”
Dr Wilson said Queenslanders can expect not only more huntsmans over the coming months, but larger ones as hot, wet summers see insect populations boom.
“Because there has been more prey around those huntsmans will be even larger than normal, these years of perfect conditions have resulted in bigger specimens,” he said.
While spiders, cockroaches and termites are the leading culprits when it comes to unwanted house guests, pest control experts are warning residents all bugs are on the move.
Technical manager at Termitrust Pest Control, John Graham said the mild start to spring has caught many Queenslanders off-guard when it comes to pest management.
“The rain and the milder temperatures did slow everything down in October, but things have really picked up now for south east Queensland,” Mr Graham said.
“People have been off their guard, and tightening spending a little bit when it comes to household expenses. Now we are seeing quite a lot of people concerned.
“Our general inquiries over the last 10 days are up 20 per cent and we are expecting this to be a busy season, busier than we forecast,” he said.
Mr Graham said the best way to combat an insect infestation is to act quickly, even if only a few spiders or cockroaches can been seen.
“If you see bugs they are not going to slow down, those you are seeing now will become 10s and 20s in just a few weeks,” he said.
“These are the ultimate conditions for a growth spurt, lots of eggs will be hatching.”
“If there is an invasion of one pest, because of the mess they leave around, there will likely be more,” he said.
Credit – Courier Mail
Rules and entitlements during the end-of-year holiday season |
Whether your business is entering a peak period or shutting down for the holidays, The Fair Work web page will help you prepare and manage annual leave, public holidays and overtime. The website also has information about:
Important Dates |
- Pesticon 2023 - 16th - 18th August @ Star Gold Coast
- Pesticon 2024 - 14th - 16th August @ Star Gold Coast
Newsletter contributions/comments |
AEPMA welcomes any contributions or suggestions for articles that you feel are relevant to the industry. Simply forward to
Or do you have something to say about an article you’ve read in the Newsletter? Why not leave your feedback on our Facebook page.
You are receiving AEPMA e-newsletters. If you are not interested in receiving further e-newsletters from AEPMA, please click here to unsubscribe. The statements or opinions that are expressed in this eNewsletter reflect the views of the authors. Although all accepted advertising material is expected to conform to AEPMA’s editorial guidelines such acceptance does not imply endorsement by AEPMA. All material contained in the eNewsletter is protected by copyright and must not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, recorded or photocopied without written permission of AEPMA. |